Monday, May 31, 2010

planning for the end

we should have completed these steps already:

1. answer the digital citizen questions
2. proof of character or citizenship - what we already do
3. decide an issue and plan for project
4. end statement - character or citizenship
5. timeline for completing project

steps to complete:

1. finish our awareness-raising project (poster, Facebook group, etc.) - and create a new timeline
2. prove we did what we said we would do (photo, video, comments, etc.) on our blogs
3. small group sharing
4. get external input - poll or peer evaluation
5. self-evaluation - did I do what I said I would do? was my project successful? how did I prove what I did?

class timeline:

- Monday, June 7: steps one and two completed
- Monday, June 7: small group sharing and peer evaluations
- Tuesday, June 8: self-evaluations (project evaluation?)


Friday, May 28, 2010


we've had the word from upstairs (mr. mah) about fundraising for our projects in the school: we can't do it. however, you might be able to hang posters up around the school, as long as they are small and appropriate. banners will have to be run by mr. mah before they will be considered.


next week

thanks, kiddies, for sharing your families' histories with us today, and again on monday. we will be working on our blogs during period 6 on monday, and then again later in the week. have a great weekend!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I should be able to go to each of your blogs and see your timelines by now, kiddies. that is, unfortunately, not the case... where are your timelines? be specific, and get started!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

next on the agenda

okay... so now we have our issues and project ideas - I hope people are giving valuable comments to their peers. our next step is to create a timeline to implement our projects. I would advise you to keep it short - maybe a couple of days as a target. what will you do to make a difference? poster? audio commercial? short film? video commercial? leaflets? an info booth in the pod area at lunch?

it's up to you - now, get crackin'!


Monday, May 17, 2010

get caught up

for homework tonight, please make sure that you have the following entries on your blogs:

1. digital citizen questions
2. my project brainstorm (what issues do I care about?)
3. my ends statement (citizenship or character)
4. evidence of what I do already (ex. Stephanie's school in Africa)
5. my project (what will I actually do?)


cbe ends statements

Citizenship: Each student will be a responsible citizen by being an informed and involved member in his or her local, national and global communities.

Character: Each student will possess the character to do what is right, act morally with wisdom, and balance individual concerns with the rights and needs of others.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


we will be using this blog site as the meeting place for our digital citizen project. on the left is a list of links to all of the blogs 7-art has created. please feel free to visit your classmates' blogs, and to comment on their posts :)