Monday, January 31, 2011

rough scripts

hi kids... I hope you are all enjoying your loooong weekend.

just a reminder to all students that the rough copies of your scripts (radio play for grade sevens, and worldview minute for grade eights) will be due this friday, february 4. we will be doing a structured peer edit, so if your group is not ready, you will be impeding the progress of other groups as well...


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

end of term two

please be advised that my term deadline has now passed. your marks are completely up to date on d2l - please check your marks to make sure they are accurate.


wednesday, january 26

hi kids!

grade 7s - you should be beginning to plan out you radio plays... if you haven't finished your annotated bibliography yet, you will need to do some work at home.

grade 8s - remember that this week is for researching and taking notes on the topic for your "worldview minute." the better organized you are, the smoother the filming process will be once you begin.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

tuesday, january 25

***a gentle reminder to all grades 8 to have their paperwork for the vertigo theatre field trip in as soon as possible***

another gentle reminder for all students - term one ends this friday. any missing assignments are due by wednesday, january 26 or you will have zeros on your progress report...

grade 7s and 8s we are all back on the regular reading response schedule - three per week. yay!


Monday, January 24, 2011

monday, january 24

a note for all students: friday is the end of term two (and semester one); however, my term cut-off is this wednesday, january 26. if you are missing any assignments, please hand them in by this wednesday or you will receive zeros, which will adversely affect your upcoming progress report...

grade 8s: please complete the renaissance/edo japan chart/venn diagrams for wednesday.

grade 7s: as we work through the angélique project, you will be reflecting periodically on the process of researching, planning, writing, and recording your radio plays in your d2l eportfolio. in particular, I would like you to focus on your responsibilities and privileges as a citizen of our classroom.

please consider the cbe "citizenship" end statement when reflecting on your work in the group: "each student will be a responsible citizen by being an informed and involved member in his or her local, national and global communities."

ask yourself, "how am I an informed and involved member of my community?"


Monday, January 17, 2011

torture and truth: angélique and the burning of montréal

please use the links under "7-09 - to do" to find the primary and secondary sources you want to evaluate for your annotated bibliography. please choose diverse primary and secondary sources in order to create a well-rounded representation of the trial against angélique.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

vertigo theatre paperwork

this is a reminder for all grade 8 students: please hand in your completed acknowledgment of risk forms and your $20 payment (cash or cheque made out to "Tom Baines School") by Monday, January 17. it will be serious fun!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

primary and secondary sources quiz

grade 7s: please click on the primary and secondary sources quiz link under "7-09 to do" to complete the sources quiz. you will be required to determine which sources are primary and which are secondary. remember that primary sources are first-hand accounts or representations from the time period being studied, while secondary sources are syntheses of a variety of primary sources. please take the test until you score 100%.


Monday, January 10, 2011

monday, january 10

I hope everyone had a great weekend! the marks on d2l have been updated. you have until this friday to address any blank spots or zeros; as always, please take a look at your marks for errors.

* 7-09 we are lucky to be attending the presentation of a visiting author tomorrow during period 6. please head straight to the learning commons after fifth period - you don't need to come to our classroom.

* grade 8s we will continue to present our mini-lessons over the next couple of days; once we have learned from all of our classmates, we will begin working on our Japan unit.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

tuesday, january 4

happy new year!!!

* 7-09 please have your shoelace paragraphs ready to hand in on friday.

grade 8s we will continue to work on our mini-lesson presentations, which will begin on thursday.
